It's June, and hot summer days are already on. I started making dessert when I was depressed. I like to eat dessert, but not too much... I wanted to make brownies this week and share them with you. It's a basic brownie; it's entirely up to you to add. You can add white chocolate or forest fruit to it.
3 large eggs
240 grams of sugar
320 grams of dark chocolate (at least 60% cocoa ratio)
125 grams of butter (room temperature)
93 grams flour
1 packs of vanillin
25 grams of cocoa
1/2 teaspoons salt
*First, whisk three eggs and sugar until the sugar is completely melted.
*Melt the chocolate in a benmari way. I'm melting the chocolates with the steam of boiling water in the dim fire. Put the melted chocolate on the table and add the butter at room temperature and stir until it melts and the first temperature comes out.
*Add and mix chocolate mixture to the egg mixture. Also eliminate and add dry ingredients and mix them slowly with the spatula until they are homogeneous.
*Lubricate the oven dish and put oily paper in it and lubricate it again. Pour the mixture into the container and straighten it with the spatula.
*Bake the brownie in the 180-degree oven you preheated for 25 minutes.
*Let the baking brownie rest for 30-45 minutes until it reaches room temperature. You can slice and serve.
Enjoy your meal.
* I used a glass rectangular container .If you want it to be thin or thicker, you can choose the size of the container you will use.
*I folded the oven paper in half and put it in the glass bowl. I took the extra glass of oil I had greased before and then I took it with paper towels and I put it on the layers of baking paper that I double-folded. It made it easier for him to get out.